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Soyfoods Nutrition Information

lthough soyfoods are widely recognized for their nutritional qualities, interest in soyfoods has risen recently because scientists have discovered that a soy component called isoflavones appears to reduce the risk of cancer. More research needs to be done to determine exactly how isoflavones work, but it appears that as little as one serving of soyfoods a day may be enough to obtain the benefits of this anticancer phytochemical.

Scientists with USDA's Agricultural Research Service have compiled a database that gives values for the major isoflavones in 128 soyfoods and ingredients. Isoflavones, The new soy isoflavone database can be found on the web at: http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/Data/isoflav/isoflav.html

The calcium content of fortified soymilks which may be found in retail stores can be found in our Soymilk Calcium Chart.

It is important, though, to understand the entire nutritional value of specific soyfoods so that dietetic decisions can be made. For instance, soy protein has been found to be effective in reducing cholesterol, in treating kidney disease, and may cause calcium to be better utilized, helping to ward off osteoporosis. Some soyfoods such as miso contain high amounts of sodium, and should be avoided by people who need to minimize their sodium intake. A single serving of tempeh contains twice as much fiber as the average American eats in a day.

Composition and nutrient content of selected soyfoods can be found at the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference and NutritionData


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Copyright 2003
Stevens & Associates, Inc.


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