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Soymilk Calcium Chart

oymilk that has been fortified with calcium is your best choice for getting significant amounts of calcium. Since all soymilk is not fortified, you should read the nutrition information on labels carefully. Use the following chart to help you get a jump start on the right soymilk for you. Remember, it is still wise to read the food label since food companies may reformulate their products.

The daily value for calicum is 1 gram for adults and children age 4 or older. This is equal to 1,000 milligrams. If the Nutrition Facts on a soymilk container states, "Calcium 20 percent," then you know the amount of calicum for one serving of soymilk is 200 milligrams, or 20 percent of the recommended daily value for adults and older children.

You may also find the composition and nutrient content of selected soyfoods can be found at the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.

Brand & Flavor Milligrams of
calcium per
1 cup
1 cup
Grams of protein
per 1 cup
Grams of
fat per
1 cup
Soy Dream Beverage Original Enriched 300 130 7 4
 Soy Dream Beverage Vanilla Enriched 300  150   4
 Soy Dream Beverage Chocolate Enriched  300 210 7 3.5
EdenSoy Extra Original 200 130 10 4
EdenSoy Extra Vanilla 200 150 6 3
Fat-Free Soy Moo 400 110 6 0
Westsoy Plus Plain 300 130 6 4
Westsoy Plus Vanilla 300 150 6 4
Westsoy Plus Cocoa 300 190 6 4
Westsoy Lowfat Plain 200 90 4 2
Westsoy Lowfat Vanilla 200 120 4 2
Westsoy Non Fat Plain 200 80 3 0
Westsoy Non Fat Vanilla 200 80 3 0
(always found in a
refrigerated case)
300 80 4 2.5
Silk Chocolate 300 100 4 2.5
Pacific Lite Plain 300 100 4 2.5
Pacific Lite Vanilla 300 110 4 2.5
Pacific Lite Cocoa 350 160 4 2
Pacific Ultra-Plus Plain 300 160 6 5
Pacific Ultra-Plus Vanilla 300 170 6 5
Solair Original (dry instant
made from soybeans )
300 110 5 3
Solair Chocolate 200 114 5 3
Solair Vanilla Bean 200 98 3 2
Better Than Milk?Plain Light (dry instant made from tofu) 500 80 2. 5
Better Than Milk?Vanilla 500 90 2 5
Better Than Milk?Plain 80 100 2 2.5
Better Than Milk?Carob 350 114 2 2
Better Than Milk?Chocolate 350 98 1 2

Some mail order companies sell calcium fortified instant powdered soymilk. Search for mail order companies in the U.S. Soyfoods Directory.

Copyright 2001
Stevens & Associates, Inc.


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